6 private links
It’s safe to assume that Google, Yahoo, and other major Internet companies were not thrilled when the NSA began demanding that they hand over users’ da ...
Pretty much 100 percent of my generation is obsessed with Instagram. Unfortunately, I left the platform (sorry all) back in 2015. Simple reason, I am way too..
Search giant modifies terms of service to specifically state ‘automated systems analyse your content’. By Samuel Gibbs
A court ruling could make it difficult to trust U.S. tech companies with private information.
Before Google’s latest privacy change announcement this past summer, the search engine giant promised its users that it would prioritize their online privacy and keep their personal information safe from browsing data collected by Gmail and other sources. Despite this assurance, on June 28, Google changed its privacy stance and is now requesting account owners choose to share more personal data.
Après avoir bouclé un excellent troisième trimestre, Alphabet et Google ont continué sur leur lancée : ils se sont offerts, en fin d'année, un énième trimestre record. Concrètement, le chiffre d'affaires du groupe a atteint 26,064 milliards de dollars, en hausse de 22 % sur l'année, tandis que le bénéfice d'exploitation a bondi à 6,639 milliards (+25 %). Le résultat net, lui, s'est établi à 5,333 milliards de dollars, contre 4,923 milliards un an plus tôt. Cela va sans dire, les recettes sont essentiellement attribuées à Google (25,8 milliards de dollars).
What does Google know about me? How do they find out? And what steps can I take to protect myself and my personal data?
What does Google know about me? How do they find out? And what steps can I take to protect myself and my personal data?
Une plongée dans l'univers Google, où se dessine le futur d'une société « orwellienne ». Un livre coup-de-poing.
Hier, j’ai eu une pulsion : retirer les Gapps de mon smartphone Android, principalement parce que je n’utilise guère plus les services Google et qu’il y a des équivalents libres pour la plupart de mes besoins. Plus d’applications Google donc et j’en profite pour aller faire un tour sur xda voir les projets en cours et l’un d’eux a retenu mon attention d’amateur de musique. Son nom : A.R.I.S.E
Le billet précédent parlait de la dégooglisation de l’OS Android mais j’y oubliais de parler des applications et c’est assez bête car un smartphone serait-il smart sans ces fameuses applications ? Quoi qu’il en soit voici un rapide tour du propriétaire sans applications propriétaires.
Charity analysis of the 50 biggest US businesses claims Apple have $181bn held offshore, while General Electric has $119bn and Microsoft $108bn
Technology giant Apple, the world’s second biggest company, topped Oxfam’s league table, with some $181bn held offshore in three subsidiaries.
Computing firm Microsoft was third with $108bn, in a top 10 that also included pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer, Google’s parent company Alphabet and Exxon Mobil, the largest oil company not owned by an oil-producing state.
“For every $1 spent on lobbying, these 50 companies collectively received $130 in tax breaks and more than $4,000 in federal loans, loan guarantees and bailouts,” said Oxfam.
Google recently announced that it would start including individual users' names and photos in some ads. This means that if you rate some product positively, your friends may see ads for that product with your name and photo attached -- without your knowledge or consent. Meanwhile, Facebook is eliminating a feature that allowed people to retain some portions of their anonymity on its website.
These changes come on the heels of Google's move to explore replacing tracking cookies with something that users have even less control over. Microsoft is doing something similar by developing its own tracking technology.
Alphabet Inc.’s Google saved $3.6 billion in worldwide taxes in 2015 by moving 14.9 billion euros ($15.5 billion) to a Bermuda shell company, new regulatory filings in the Netherlands reveal.
Un grand merci à l'Irlande et aux Pays-Bas
La réponse est étonnamment élevée. Malgré le fait que je dépense des centaines de dollars par an et des heures de travail pour héberger mon propre serveur email, Google a environ la moitié de mes emails personnels!
L'année dernière, Google a livré 57% des emails de ma boîte de réception auxquels j'ai répondu. Il a livré plus d'un tiers de tous les mails auxquels j'ai répondu depuis 2006, et plus de la moitié depuis 2010.