6 private links
Mozilla is in an absolute state: high overheads, falling usage of Firefox, questionable sources of revenue and now making big cuts to engineering as their income falls.
Download Auto Tab Discard for Firefox. Increase browser speed and reduce memory load and when you have numerous open tabs.
Télécharger ClearURLs pour Firefox. Supprime les éléments de suivi des URL
Download Wiper for Firefox. Black-list websites on Google to weed out low quality search results.
Download CSS Exfil Protection for Firefox. Guard your browser against CSS Exfil attacks!
CSS Exfil is a method attackers can use to steal data from web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This plugin sanitizes and blocks any CSS rules which may be designed to steal data.
Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. - iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome
Télécharger Search by Image pour Firefox. A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.
Back in February, we announced support for the first extension for Firefox Preview, the new and rebuilt mobile browser for Android that is set to ...
Download I don't care about cookies for Firefox. Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites!
Bypass Paywalls Clean for Firefox (lot of updates and bug-fixes) - magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean
If Amazon Go cameras seem squiggy, shouldn’t online tracking be too?
The current insecure DNS system leaves billions of people around the world vulnerable because the data about where they go on the internet is unencrypted. We’ve set out to change ...
From now on uBO will CNAME-uncloak network requests. CNAME-uncloaked network requests will appear as blue entries in the popup panel and the logger. The uncloaked entries in the popup panel will also show the related aliases (in smaller characters underneath the canonical names):