6 private links
Epinglé à plusieurs reprises pour l’étendue des données collectées et analysées par son système d’exploitation, Microsoft a annoncé des modifications en janvier. Qui n’ont pas suffi à convaincre entièrement les gendarmes de la vie privée.
win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer/README.md at master · sdias/win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer · GitHub
win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer - An application that enhances the Windows 10 multiple desktops feature by adding additional keyboard shortcuts and support for multiple wallpapers.
By default, Windows sends a lot of your information to their servers sometimes without asking you to opt-in. Follow this guide to fix Windows 10 and restore your privacy.
Over time more and more users published instructions on how to break Microsoft's habit of spying on their users, including for private users whose computers are not part of a company or enterprise domain. I was annoyed that this leads to manually clicking checkmarks on a graphical user interface or running confusing PowerShell scripts and merge several single rule-sets. With the webpage https://fix10.isleaked.com/ I had the idea to build a tool, which is easily extendable and configurable and can automate the process of reaching an adequate level of privacy on the press of a button.
Microsoft, manifestement convaincu de la qualité de son extension Chrome dédiée à la comparaison de prix, a décidé qu'il était de bon ton d'en faire la publicité sur Windows 10. La manière, quelque peu intrusive, n'est pas vraiment du goût des utilisateurs.