6 private links
Walmart-exclusive Jetstream routers and Wavlink routers contain hidden backdoors. The routers are actively being exploited by Mirai malware
exploit NAT/firewalls to access TCP/UDP services bound on a victim machine
Watch along as hacked machine grinds, beeps, and spews water.
How to use Rust and BPF to intercept the data sent and received by programs that use OpenSSL.
You've possibly just found out you're in a data breach. The organisation involved may have contacted you and advised your password was exposed but fortunately, they encrypted it. But you should change it anyway. Huh? Isn't the whole point of encryption that it protects data when exposed to unintended parties?
Zoom is facing another lawsuit alleging that the video communications company has deceived consumers by making false claims about its privacy measures.
What if a hacker could use an ordinary, dumb, old-fashioned light bulb to spy on your conversations from afar? Here's the bad news.
Investigation of the practice of port scanning site visitors for fingerprinting and tracking.
The Zoom Windows client is vulnerable to UNC path injection in the client's chat feature that could allow attackers to steal the Windows credentials of users who click on the link.
A comprehensive study of user-chosen 4- and 6-digit smartphone unlock PINs.
Encryption flaws in a common anti-theft feature expose vehicles from major manufacturers.
HiddenVM — Use any desktop OS without leaving a trace. - aforensics/HiddenVM
Watchdog Which? wants Google to be more transparent about security updates for old phones