6 private links
Last update: May 22, 2020
Español - Italiano
This article analyses the security and confidentiality features of the most commonly used communication services or applications.
Note: the comparison is made between WhatsApp (the most widespread 1.6 billion users), Telegram (the most secure and widespread 400 million users), Signal and Wire (the most secure and confidential) according to world statistics. A comparison in terms of functionality is available at this address.
Remark: for any communication…
The decision is seemingly a trade-off for usability across multiple devices.
WhatsApp, Signal e Telegram promettono tutte la stessa cosa: comunicazioni sicure. Ma ci possiamo fidare?
It has recently come to the attention of the PrivacyTools team that Wire, the popular end-to-end encryption messaging platform had been sold or moved to a US company. After a week of questioning, Wire finally confirmed they had changed holding companies and would now be a US based company in
Open Whispers System, qui édite Signal, teste une nouvelle approche qui permet d'étendre encore plus la confidentialité de sa communauté. Comment ? En intervenant au niveau des métadonnées.
Pavel Durov criticized WhatsApp in new blog post
L’application helvétique vient de s’enrichir d’un service d’appels vidéo. Ses développeurs affirment que Threema est plus sûre que tous ses concurrents, dont Telegram et Signal
If you need top level privacy protection do some or all of the following
It's fine, but you should know that pretty much everything Moxie and Signal talk about contrast sharply with Wire. For instance: last I checked, Wire stores your entire social graph on their servers in a database --- effectively forever, Wire stores a plaintext log of everyone you've communicated with.
And don't forget to limit ad tracking. Advisory contains a host of recommendations.
Users have received notifications when their Google Home speakers hear smoke alarms or breaking glass
“The delay in notification eliminated any potential options for recovery of the equipment.”
Legally get full text of scholarly articles as you browse.
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