6 private links
Mitchell Baker, présidente de la fondation Mozilla
Millions of people around the world trust Firefox Web browsers on Android, iOS and desktop computers. Fast. Private. Download now!
Mozilla n'a pas confiance
Firefox détaille une nouvelle fonctionnalité visant à améliorer la protection des utilisateurs de la navigation privée : l’URL de provenance, ou referrer, n’affichera plus que le nom de domaine et non l’URL de la page complète, afin d’éviter la fuite de données personnelles.
An adblocker. Contribute to NanoAdblocker/NanoCore development by creating an account on GitHub.
Comment éviter la plupart des blocages d'adblocker en quelques clics.
To help prevent third party data leakage while browsing privately, Firefox Private Browsing Mode will remove path information from referrers sent to third parties starting ...
A set of Adblock filters to block obtrusive EU cookie law notices. This is a fork from the original Prebake files because the updates there were many months behind and the list becoming bloated with outdated records, therefore I decided to make my own fork. It's as much as possible updated and cleaned up. Please go ahead and use it.
The goal of my version is to have a list that is updated frequently and is kept clean by checking the existing records from time to time and sorting the up-to-date ones as good as possible. I will add LC: yearmonthday dates to the records that have been check to give an idea when the last time was when that particular record was checked. I will personally test additions that have been committed by other people, before I actually add them.
Un chercheur a récemment tiré la sonnette d’alarme : on trouve sur Chrome des extensions au comportement particulièrement dangereux, résistantes aux tentatives de désinstallation. Un problème qui rappelle que les extensions nécessitent presque la même surveillance que les applications classiques.