6 private links
Oh hey, y’all, it’s Friday! It’s August! Which means it’s a great day for Facebook to drop a little news it would prefer you don’t notice. News that you won’t find a link to on the homepage of Facebook’s Newsroom — which is replete with colorfully ill…
We Analysed the 527,350 Facebook Ads placed by the US Presidential Candidates. Here Are The Results.
Using the Facebook Ad Library API to reveal how each candidate is using social media to attract voters.
Facebook is facing new questions over its handling of the Cambridge Analytica debacle even after a record settlement with the FTC ended a year-long investigation by regulators into the matter.
Many images uploaded on Facebook contain IPTC/IIM fields which are apparently automatically added during the upload process:
Special Instruction, a string beginning with "FBMD"
Original Transmiss...
‘Oh wow, the AI just tagged my profile picture as basic’
Libra is the last thing we need. Big tech’s use of our data is already worrying, says Guardian columnist John Harris
“The whole premise of Facebook is to render not private” your activity, said company lawyer, fighting off lawsuits over Cambridge Analytica data collection.
Facebook uncovered emails that appear to show CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s connection to potentially problematic privacy practices at the company.
The social network wants to dismiss a lawsuit stemming from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
This latest doctored video proves that Facebook as we knew it is over.
About half of Facebook users say they are not comfortable when they see how the platform categorizes them, and 27% maintain the site’s classifications do not accurately represent them.
By now, everyone who follows technology should be aware of the scandals around Facebook's ethics and data privacy. Many users distrust them and are uncomfortable with their data collection practices.
Facebook might have another Cambridge Analytica on its hands. In a late Friday news dump, Facebook revealed that today it filed a lawsuit alleging South Korean analytics firm Rankwave abused its developer platform’s data, and has refused to cooperate with a mandatory compliance audit and requ…
Digital labor is valuable even when we do it for free. Should we get paid?