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Kaspersky researchers found malware in CamScanner, a text recognition app that was downloaded more than 100 million times from Google Play.
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KeePass is probably one of the most popular password managers. Simple, free and open source, it quickly became largely adopted at home and at work. Beware, a non-official website using an URL similar to the real one lets you download a tampered version of the password manager with some adware in it.
For the past year, Android malware authors have been increasingly relying on a solid trick for bypassing Google's security scans and sneaking malicious apps into the official Play Store.
Feds take aim at potent VPNFilter malware allegedly unleashed by Russia.
Sometimes a piece of malware can execute without even opening the file. As this is the case with the /JBIG2Decode vulnerability in PDF documents, I took the time to produce a short video showing 3 …
A blog from the world class Intelligence Group, Talos, Cisco's Intelligence Group
Un présumé défaut de sécurité sur le système d’affichage des notifications d’Android peut inciter un détenteur d’un terminal à installer un malware coriace à son insu.
Le passage de NotPetya va amputer le chiffre d’affaires annuel de Saint-Gobain de 250 millions d’euros. Si l’impact est majeur, le groupe bénéficie d’une conjoncture favorable permettant d’en diluer les effets.
A mysterious piece of malware has been infecting hundreds of Mac computers for years—and no one noticed until a few months ago.