6 private links
A mysterious (and fake) Chrome extension. A clever data exfiltration scheme. They would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling security analysts using ExtraHop Reveal(x)! Follow along as we go from threat detection to response in this real-life threat hunt with network traffic analysis.
It is surprisingly difficult to find realistic, interesting and creative privacy case studies. It is perhaps even more difficult in the case of major software. There are no proper motivations for making this kind of work public (employees often paid to do some kind of work in-house; their compensation typically
Clear all Cookies except Google Cookies", thanks Chrome.
This blog is mainly reserved for cryptography, and I try to avoid filling it with random “someone is wrong on the Internet” posts. After all, that’s what Twitter is for! But from …
Bromite patches for Chromium with adblocking features - bromite/bromite
The Chrome team is delighted to announce the promotion of Chrome 68 to the stable channel for Windows, Mac and Linux. This will roll out ove...
chrome-utm-stripper - Browser extension that strips Google Analytics (UTM) tokens from URL query strings
Once in control, they can silently push new ad-filled "updates" to those users.
Un chercheur a récemment tiré la sonnette d’alarme : on trouve sur Chrome des extensions au comportement particulièrement dangereux, résistantes aux tentatives de désinstallation. Un problème qui rappelle que les extensions nécessitent presque la même surveillance que les applications classiques.
John Gruber, author of the Daring Fireball blog and inventor of the Markdown publishing format, warns there could be more of this to come. “There is so much Chrome-only stuff right now,” says Gruber. “If you think Google isn’t building a proprietary Chrome platform, your head is in the sand.”
There is so much Chrome-only stuff right now. If you think Google isn’t building a proprietary Chrome platform, your head is in the sand.
Google is going to start blocking certain ads in Chrome, the company announced earlier this year. But now we know exactly when: February 15, 2018 (via..
AAK-Cont is a semi-automated compatibility shim for uBlock Protector
PixelBlock is a Gmail extension that blocks people from tracking when you open/read their emails.
Firefox respects your desire to do other things while you browse the web. Firefox doesn’t use as much RAM as Chrome. And it doesn’t hog your ability to do more things at once. Instead, Firefox strikes a balance by using four content processes at any given time. Why four? Because four is the right number for many internet users: an amount that apportions enough RAM for superior browser performance, while also leaving more RAM for other apps and programs to use.
Dans ses tests sur Windows 10, Firefox utilise moins de mémoire que Chrome, et cela même avec huit processus lancés.