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Dans ce rapport de 13 pages, les chercheurs estiment que les phénomènes observés vont bien au-delà des simples fake news : ils préfèrent parler de « campagne de désinformations » menée par des gouvernements étrangers et par des agents externes rémunérés à cette fin. Selon eux, ces manœuvres auraient en effet été opérées manuellement plutôt que par des bots.
Le dernier rapport de transparence de Facebook ne déroge pas à cette règle, signe à la fois que la plateforme attire de plus en plus de monde et devient chaque jour un peu plus l’un des lieux privilégiés de sa vie numérique. Couvrant la période du second semestre 2016, il montre en effet que les requêtes hexagonales adressées à Facebook sont passées à 4 478 pour 5 195 comptes ou utilisateurs. Six mois auparavant, elles ne concernaient « que » 3 763 requêtes pour 4 045 comptes ou utilisateurs.
Starting in January of this year, we at the Chicago Tribune started to anecdotally see a fairly significant change in our post reach.
And it was happening despite solid growth on our Facebook page — which, logically, would translate to increased reach.
When I had Facebook I was passionate about several topics, but I limited my posting to only 1 - 2 times a month. Initially when I started I got some engagement, questions, etc. As the years wore on I gained some friends who cared about those topics too, who liked my posts, shared, etc. Dozens of likes at times.
Well, turns out people paid less attention over time, or seemed too. Those posts got fewer likes and shares. Well, perhaps people just got turned off to my "activist" posting, bored, etc? If I posted a stupid life update about getting a new strainer though, fucktons of likes of course... Decided to ask my girlfriend and a couple family members if they even saw my posts on privacy or what have you, nope. It was buried or not shown on the feed when it came out.
It's not just the feed either, the ordering is bleeding elsewhere. When I asked my girlfriend if she could see specific posts she went directly to my profile and couldn't even find them often times because Facebook now controls the order of items on someone's feed. They show "trending items" and them semi ordered older ones.
I think this article, and some personal experience, shows some of the consequences of being tied to a social platform that controls just the order of news on your feed. It is trivially easy for them to bury topics either because they just don't like them or think they "hurt user engagement." It's a sort of super stealthy shadow ban, where sure, you content is "visible" but only in the loosest meaning of the word.
I had misgivings about Facebook initially from a privacy standpoint, but how much power they have to moderate content, virtually imperceptibly, was one of the final straws that got me off of it. We're not just giving away personal information, we're giving away our ability to persuade and connect in meaningful ways.
In the spring of 2004, Mark Zuckerberg used data from his successful new web site, TheFacebook.com, to hack into the email accounts of two Harvard Crimson...
Les règles d’utilisation des deux réseaux sociaux ont été durcies, après les mises en garde répétées d’associations de défense des libertés numériques.
With every click on Facebook, you leave a little trail of your social life. Now researchers are saying they can piece those clues together, and pick out who your closest friends are.
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Initially used to improve the experience for visually impaired members of the Facebook community, the company’s Lumos computer vision platform is now powering image content search for all users. This means you can now search for images on Facebook with key words that describe the contents of …
Lip service to the crucial function of the Fourth Estate is not enough to sustain it.
Man filmed his partner's labor, then sued TV companies that picked up the video.