6 private links
Man streams son's birth on Facebook Live - sees footage on Good Morning America.
Mark Zuckerburg's manifesto offers a vision of social dystopia.
A court ruling could make it difficult to trust U.S. tech companies with private information.
L'équipe de campagne de Donald Trump a travaillé avec Cambridge Analytica, une entreprise qui peut identifier le profil des utilisateurs de Facebook avec une grande précision.
Prior research has established the phenomenon of the ‘Chilling Effect’ where people constrain the self they present online due to peer-to-peer surveillance on Social Network Sites (SNS). However currently uninvestigated is the possibility that the threat of such surveillance on these sites might constrain the self presented offline in ‘reality’, known here as ‘the extended chilling effect’. The purpose of this study is to examine the existence of this ‘extended chilling effect’. Drawing on theories of self-awareness and self-presentation, the impact of surveillance in SNS is theorized to lead to an awareness of online audiences in offline domains, stimulating a self-comparison process that results in impression management. A mixed methods study of semi-structured interviews (n = 28) and a 2 × 2 between-subjects experiment (n = 80), provides support for offline impression management in order to avoid an undesired image being projected to online audiences. The novel finding that the chilling effect has extended highlights the potential dangers of online peer-to-peer surveillance for autonomy and freedom of expression in our offline lives.
TL;DR: Facebook collects data about you in hundreds of ways, across numerous channels. It’s very hard to opt out, but by reading about what they collect, you can understand the risks of the platform and choose to be more restrictive with your Facebook usage.
J’ai écrit ce qui suit pour ma famille et mes proches, afin de leur expliquer pourquoi les dernières clauses de la politique de confidentialité de Facebook sont vraiment dangereuses. Cela pourra peut-être vous aider aussi. Une série de références externes, et des suggestions pour en sortir correctement, se trouvent au bas de cet article.
La vie est trop courte pour liker des statuts Facebook ou pour pour se faire rembourser la différence si l'on trouve moins cher ailleurs. Tout est question de mesure me direz-vous et vous aurez raison de me le dire. En vrai, ça me taraudait depuis belle lurette de supprimer mon compte Facebook. La chose est faite et me laisse une drôle de sensation, comme de m'être libéré d'un poids un peu honteux.
This study compares the accuracy of human and computer-based personality judgments, using a sample of 86,220 volunteers who completed a 100-item personality questionnaire. We show that (i) computer predictions based on a generic digital footprint (Facebook Likes) are more accurate (r = 0.56) than those made by the participants’ Facebook friends using a personality questionnaire (r = 0.49
Psychologist Michal Kosinski developed a method of analyzing people’s behavior down to the minutest detail by looking at their Facebook activity—did a similar tool help propel Donald Trump to victory?
It was only a matter of time before Facebook Messenger would start testing ads, after rumors of its plans to do so leaked nearly a year ago. Earlier today, it announced that users in Australia and Thailand will begin seeing sponsored content in the coming weeks, with the experiment being labeled as a way "for people and brands to engage on Messenger." What this means, really, is that you and your friends should expect to see targeted ads in the app soon -- which won't be hard to miss, judging by the image above.
La Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL), l’autorité chargée de la protection des données personnelles, a annoncé avoir mis en demeure Facebook, lundi 8 février, lui reprochant de nombreux manquements à la loi française sur la protection des données personnelles. Un long réquisitoire, contre la manière dont Facebook collecte et exploite les données de ses 30 millions d’utilisateurs français, que la CNIL a décidé de publier.
Facebook wants you and me to spend as much time as possible within Facebook. So they’ve made deals to bring as much content as possible to Facebook, rather than to distribute Facebook’s connective tissue throughout the web. Only one of those approaches would have made the world more open. But the one they’ve chosen simply rebuilds the world within Facebook. They are re-making the world within their walls, and closing it off to anyone without a username and password. That’s their prerogative — and really, there’s nothing particularly wrong with that, hubris notwithstanding — but it’s not what they say they’re doing. They are not making the world more open.
Facebook, Google+ and Twitter supply official sharing code snippets which quietly siphon personal data from all page visitors. Shariff enables visitors to see how popular your page is on Facebook and share your content with others without needless data leaks.
Shariff (/ˈʃɛɹɪf/) is an open-source, low-maintenance, high-privacy solution maintained by German computer magazine c't and heise online.
This script will delete any items in your Facebook news feed that are "sponsored" or "suggested" (meaning an advertisement). It will continue to weed out these posts as you scroll, removing them before they appear.
The simple way to completely avoid this is to refuse to have a Facebook page. However, a compromise may be possible, one which attracts public support while not boosting Facebook's power much. This article proposes such a compromise.
Facebook is a surveillance engine, accumulating lots of personal data which is also available to the state. For your privacy and freedom's sake, it is important not to have an active Facebook account; refusing blocks Facebook's main channel for collecting information about you and, through you, about your friends and relatives. (Whatsapp, a subsidiary of Facebook, is also important to avoid.) Explaining to them why you firmly insist on routing your communications with them through some other system will strengthen your will power to resist systems that use you to harm you and others.
The simple way to completely avoid this is to refuse to have a Facebook page. However, a compromise may be possible, one which attracts public support while not boosting Facebook's power much. This article proposes such a compromise.
Le réflexe pourtant anodin et innocent de publier des photos de ses enfants sur Internet peut avoir des conséquences insoupçonnées sur leur avenir et leur anonymat. Le manque de connaissances sur les systèmes de tag, de reconnaissance faciale et de collecte de données crée des failles non négligeables pour leur sécurité.
J’ai décidé de quitter Facebook pour 4 raisons. Je crois que toute personne un peu rationnelle devrait en faire autant — même si je n’aime pas trop me livrer à la prédication. Alors voici, en quelques mots, les raisons qui motivent ce choix, en espérant que celles-ci puissent trouver des échos chez quelques-un/e/s.