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For several years, a data firm eventually hired by the Trump campaign, Cambridge Analytica, has been using Facebook as a tool to build psychological profiles that represent some 230 million adult Americans. A spinoff of a British consulting company and sometime-defense contractor known for its counterterrorism “psy ops” work in Afghanistan, the firm does so by seeding the social network with personality quizzes. Respondents — by now hundreds of thousands of us, mostly female and mostly young but enough male and older for the firm to make inferences about others with similar behaviors and demographics — get a free look at their Ocean scores. Cambridge Analytica also gets a look at their scores and, thanks to Facebook, gains access to their profiles and real names.
J’ai décidé de quitter Facebook pour 4 raisons. Je crois que toute personne un peu rationnelle devrait en faire autant — même si je n’aime pas trop me livrer à la prédication. Alors voici, en quelques mots, les raisons qui motivent ce choix, en espérant que celles-ci puissent trouver des échos chez quelques-un/e/s.
Comme de nombreuses personnalités publiques, Mark Zuckerberg se fait aider pour gérer son image. Son cas, toutefois, revêt des dimensions assez exceptionnelles : plus d'une douzaine d'employés de Facebook sont dédiés à la gestion de sa page personnelle — photographes non inclus.
Sur Facebook, le début d'année a été synonyme du retour d'un grand classique, à savoir les statuts interdisant au réseau social l'exploitation des données personnelles. La Cnil le rappelle : ces messages ne servent à rien.
I was surprised to see the Facebook SDK being loaded in the network tab on my blog when I don't have any Facebook buttons. It turned out to be coming courtesy of Disqus. No wonder Facebook knows everywhere you go!
Belgian security researcher Inti De Ceukelaire claims he discoved a method to figure out the phone numbers associated with many Facebook accounts, even when these phone number are not set
Facebook claims that no one can intercept WhatsApp messages, not even the company and its staff, ensuring privacy for its billion-plus users. But new research shows that the company could in fact read messages due to the way WhatsApp has implemented its end-to-end encryption protocol.
Since 2012, Facebook has been working with data brokers to acquire even more information on its users. According to a report from ProPublica, this information can include a user’s income, restaurant habits, and credit card activities.
Combine third party data with what Facebook already knows about its users from using the social network and it is hard to think of any piece of information the company doesn’t have about a person.
People regularly ask how Facebook, with its massive data management costs, can offer its service for free. The answer is simple, the product is you.
show-facebook-computer-vision-tags - A very simple Chrome Extension that displays the automated image tags that Facebook has generated for your images
The site shows users how Facebook categorizes them. It doesn’t reveal the data it is buying about their offline lives.
Find out what data Facebook stores about you. Join us in our fight for a social network that respects our right to privacy.
Class-action lawsuits target the biometric privacy policies of several Internet giants
Social media giant Facebook has confessed to giving the personal details of thousands of its users to the British government this year.
Changes in default profile settings over time
Google recently announced that it would start including individual users' names and photos in some ads. This means that if you rate some product positively, your friends may see ads for that product with your name and photo attached -- without your knowledge or consent. Meanwhile, Facebook is eliminating a feature that allowed people to retain some portions of their anonymity on its website.
These changes come on the heels of Google's move to explore replacing tracking cookies with something that users have even less control over. Microsoft is doing something similar by developing its own tracking technology.
Since Donald Trump's election, many in the tech industry have been concerned about the way their skills—and the data collected by their employers—might be used. On a number of occasions, Trump has expressed the desire to perform mass deportations and end any and all Muslim immigration. He has also said that it would be "good management" to create a database of Muslims, and that there should be "a lot of systems" to track Muslims within the US.
La Commission européenne assure qu’en 2014 le réseau social avait indiqué « qu’il n’était pas en mesure d’associer automatiquement et de manière fiable ses comptes d’utilisateurs avec ceux de WhatsApp ». Mais après réflexion, Bruxelles considère que « cette possibilité technique existait déjà en 2014 », indique la lettre officielle de la Commission.
Pour étayer son accusation, la Commission s’appuie sur les modifications opérées par Facebook en août 2016 dans la politique de confidentialité de WhatsApp, qui a permis d’associer les numéros de téléphone de ses utilisateurs aux profils des membres de sa maison mère Facebook.
Quelques exemples sont donnés, les voici. Tout d’abord, nous avons la société LendUp, spécialisée dans le prêt en ligne. Celle-ci examine les comptes Twitter et Facebook des demandeurs de prêt. Elle regarde notamment le nombre d’amis de ces personnes et leurs interactions avec ceux-ci. Cela lui sert à prendre sa décision si oui ou non, vous êtes jugé recevable. Mais il y a pire ! L’entreprise Lenddo, société qui prête de l’argent aux pays en voie de développement, fait encore mieux. Elle scrute vos contacts sur Facebook. Si parmi eux, elle détecte un mauvais payeur à qui elles ont déjà eu affaire, vous êtes directement considéré comme non recevable.