6 private links
Mozilla is in an absolute state: high overheads, falling usage of Firefox, questionable sources of revenue and now making big cuts to engineering as their income falls.
A few weeks ago, I found myself in need of a repair for a borked camera lens on my iPhone 11. I do everything in my power to essentially encase my Apple products in bubble wrap, but a nearly imperceptible fracture in one lens had greatly impacted the functionality of my phone’s camera. I hadn’t anticipated that repairing it was going to be a whole thing, but finding a way to get it repaired quickly in my area turned out to be futile. And repairing it myself? Pfft, forget it.
A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector
Download Auto Tab Discard for Firefox. Increase browser speed and reduce memory load and when you have numerous open tabs.
Brands are seeking new ways to customize messages. A startup that gathers data on when you pick up your phone, or when you go out on a run, can help.
Facebook Inc. is again being sued for allegedly spying on Instagram users, this time through the unauthorized use of their mobile phone cameras.The lawsuit springs from media reports in July that the photo-sharing app appeared to be accessing iPhone cameras even when they weren’t actively being used.Facebook denied the reports and blamed a bug, which it said it was correcting, for triggering what it described as false notifications that Instagram was accessing iPhone cameras.
Facebook is moving to curb internal debate around divisive political and social topics, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said, after a spate of disputes and criticism that has fueled discord among staffers.
L’article 55 de la loi du 10 février 2020 relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l’économie circulaire dispose qu’en matière de réduction des
Télécharger ClearURLs pour Firefox. Supprime les éléments de suivi des URL
TL;DR Landmark case Entr’ouvert vs Orange, after 9 years of legal battle, the copyright court (TGI Paris) found the GPL license to be inapplicable and dismissed the case. Read the judgment as…
Artisanal software development, quality productions and some teaching
Dutch smartphone maker launches camera upgrade for older handsets, also available as new device
The tech giant is facing criticism over its appointment of a former NSA director.
Pour Étienne Gonnu, chargé de mission affaires publiques pour l’April (association de promotion et de défense du logiciel libre), l’obsolescence logicielle doit être combattue si l’on veut réduire l’empreinte environnementale de l’informatique et, plus largement la pollution numérique. Les sénateurs viennent de s’emparer du sujet. Entretien.