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Android in a Box
Some months after a failed Kickstarter campaign with an ambitious €350k goal, German startup Volla has managed to raise more than €20k in a new campaign (still open for the next few hours) for their first Volla Phone. Volla Phone in German woods.This new smartphone aims at several niches,
The reasoning behind the switch is two-fold. South Korea was looking to reduce its reliance on Microsoft and Windows and cut down on software licensing costs.
Phoronix is the leading technology website for Linux hardware reviews, open-source news, Linux benchmarks, open-source benchmarks, and computer hardware tests.
OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall - evilsocket/opensnitch
There's even support for the ZFS filesystem (though it's "EXPERIMENTAL").
It's possible to purchase Lenovo's high-performance ThinkPad systems with Ubuntu shipped from the factory, starting with 2019 models.
During me being at my parents over the holidays (Christmas 2017) I had the usual IT-support stuff to do, that always happens to tech sa...
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Après être passé en 2006 de Solaris à Linux, le land allemand de Basse-Saxe veut à présent migrer 13.000 postes de travail d'OpenSuse vers Windows, vraisemblablement Windows 10. Justification avancée : la standardisation des OS.
Refinement, Productivity, & an Improved Developer Platform
During the transition to LXQt, we have received mixed feedback about Lubuntu's perceived direction going forward, so we decided it would be good to make a blog post explaining what's been happening during the transition, and where our focus will be.
After more than 2 decades relying on Windows, I was finally pushed over the edge and into the embrace of Ubuntu Linux. I haven't looked back.
Pop!_OS is beautiful, thanks in no small part to a consistent minimalist visual style and Kate Hazen’s beautiful space-themed illustrations. Pop!_OS 18.04 is a GNU/Linux distribution curated by US-based computer maker System76. It is the state of the art in usability and experience when it comes to desktop Linux today1.
The genius of the System76 team was in realising that all the components for a usable, convenient, and delightful GNU/Linux desktop experience are already here, they’re just not tastefully curated.